Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 15 The Road Less Travelled

General Questions

Question: Why can’t You just change us? Why do we have to go through this journey?

God’s answer:

A crawling infant

You want to stand on your own.

Meaning: You like to assert your independence. You are conceited.


Question: I understand why you can’t change us because we want to exert our independence. What I don’t understand is why don’t you just take us out of our misery and change us?

God’s answer:

Control Freak
It’s not My style

Question: So, what is your style?

God’s answer:

I lead by example

Question: How do you lead by example?

God’s answer:

Look at Me, I Am happy.
See for yourself: If you eat the tree of good and evil you will die.
It works both ways.

Meaning: In our world we define leadership by example as being a role model (leading by setting a good example) for others to follow In God’s definition, leading by example is showing both sides. .

God sets himself as the role model (Look at Me, I Am happy) of what happens when we stay true to Him. Likewise (we the fallen ones) are the example of what happens when one does not stay true to Him (if your eat the tree of good and evil you will die).

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